Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Home at last :)

It' so nice to be home!
Thanks again to Danny and Bruno for looking after me, but I have to say it's just so good to be back in my own bed, I love it so much! :D
And I missed wee Fenn too...

Here are a few more pics from the last week...

Lots of Black Swans a pukepuke (thesis site):

Even though I was a long way away they didn't want to hang around and flew off once they realised I was watching...

Three in mid-flight at dusk

I found a frog or two

I also found a very cool Hawk Moth Caterpillar
The roof of my car is so shiny! (Although the wheel arches are caked in cow crap)

Trip home - sunset over the Marlbrough Sounds from Kapiti

The island with the moon above

Well that's enough for now. I need to get some (paid) work done, go through my gazillions of samples in the lab, and get some new car speakers... I blew up my old ones listening to The Presets too loud... ops...

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