Tuesday, 25 August 2009

geeking out on Avatar

I still can't get over how awesome the 15min preview of Avatar was that I watched last week... To celebrate, here are a few screen captures from the HD teaser trailer (for those of you who have a crappy computer like me - I can't play the HD version cause it' too much for my computer to handle :P)

The world of Pandora is very cool at night - the forests are full of bio-luminescent plants and animals... Apparently inspired by James Cameron's love of deep sea life. This scene is the only one of that in the teaser, the ones in the preview were SOOOO much more intense, and according to Nick even that was nothing!!! This stuff looks so incredible in 3D!

He stands 3m tall, his bones are made from 'naturally occurring carbon fibre' and he's the Avatar (created using the DNA of the Na'vi - native species of Pandora) of Jake Sully. Needless to say he rocks!

As well as generally kicking ass, Jake goes all native and plays with face paints! ROAR!

Jake's lady-navi-friend Neytiri. She's pretty!

Friday, 21 August 2009

Avatar's first appearance

Over a year ago I remember spending a while trying to track down some info on Avatar... Back then it was all so hush hush that I couldn't even find an image!

Today however, I went to a preview screening of Avatar, James Cameron's first movie since Titanic.

It was at Readings, Wellington's only theatre which has a 3D screen (if you didn't know the movie is in 3D) and all we had to do to get in was queue for about an hour :) The queueing was made harder by the total nerds (in my book worse than geeks!) who were in the queue behind Nick and I, talking total crap. Thankfully I was able to pass some of the time playing my latest addiction on Nick's iphone; Flight Control!!

So back to Avatar - the preview was about 15 mins of 3D awesomeness, and I even spotted a friend of mine who was an extra in it - quite funny cause he's very tall and slim and not really what you'd expect a Marine to look like, did a good job though, nice one Ed! *thumbs up*

I also learned that James Cameron seems to refer to himself as "Jim"... FYI

After seeing the teaser trailer (which went online this morning) it was a great relief to see some decent content. The trailer is good at introducing a bit of the environment of the movie, but the preview really did give a good look at not only the visual awesomeness of Avatar but also a bit of an introduction to the main characters. VERY impressed :)

It was great to see it with Nick as he could show me which bits he'd worked on (as well as which bits he was still working on!) and after watching it I quickly took Nick back to work so he could finish making it :P

Roll on 18th of December!

Wednesday, 12 August 2009

District 9

Wow, what an AWESOME movie! Tonight i went to the preview screening of District 9 at the Embassy with Nick and Mat R. It's a great movie combining an awesome scifi story with morals and kick ass visuals! It's a must see, best movie I've seen in a long time :D

And it just proves yet again how great wellington is - where else in the world would Peter Jackson himself come along and give a pep talk at the start of a movie screening??!

Thanks again Matt D for the tickets, we got the best seats in the house!