Here are some random moments from the farm from the last few days. They aren't in any particular order sorry!!
First here is the new
Saddleback Piglet. She's VERY cute, and its great that she's arrived as they are a very rare breed and many seem to be infertile due to loss of their genetic diversity...

Pheasant in the fields (running away from me!)

Andrew, Barney, Toby and Bron on the lawn - I realised that taking photos through old glass windows doesn't work very well... ops! Grandad and I put the box around the statue a few days ago to keep her safe over winter

Deer in Further Hollow Field

The barn roof

The morning of my birthday!

Farm entrance

Time lapse of the sun over the lawn
The statue before we put her in her box

Barney with one of the Sussex bulls. We were collecting blackberries for a crumble I made!

Snorting bull

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