First here is a video of the last stretch of road to the farm, called Steep Road. I've been along here more times than you've had hot breakfasts! (unless you are very old...)
Lots of classic Autumn shots from around the farm! Blackberries in the hedgerows and the Quince falling off the trees in the orchard...


I found a Lacewing at the Farm which was pretty cool, haven't seen one of those for a few years! (they are good to have about cause they eat bad things like aphids)

I went for a nice walk around the farm on Wednesday...
You can see the neighbours vineyard across the valley

Real style through a REAL hedge!

This is an apple tree I used to have in a pot on my roof garden in London - the last time I saw it it was about 6' tall!

Oast house in all it's glory (with my apple tree on the left!)

The farmhouse

Grandad's perfect lawn in between

WOW!!!! its all I can really say, how lucky to have grown up there :)