I wanted to share a few, nicer, pics with you from our quick trip to Aussie, now that we're home and I've got a spare 30 mins...
So here is our hotel, the Crown Plaza. We were on the 12th (I think) floor. They have an AWESOME buffet breaky that even includes self-serve eggs ben. Wow!
"Danger, rip tide capable of snatching camera from your hand, even when it's strap is round your arm" is what the sign should have read! Oh well, got a new one with the insurance now :) Oooooo Bluebottle on the beach, just wee ones this time of year Washing off the squeeky sand (I have no idea why the sand squeeks when you scuff your feet on it but its very cool!) The Q1 - highest residential tower on the planet We couldn't quite see home, but knew which direction it was in! We had a quick walk in a park near our hotel before we had to head to the airport, and found where all of the local Fruit Bats hang out during the day
Interesting sign on the train to the airport... We got home at about midnight and then had to catch a plane to Auckland at 7am the next day... urg!
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