Destination: Mt Climie. Not the first time up, but the first time in Spring :)
We saw quite a few Red Admiral's which was very nice to see, I'd never noticed how they have red antennae before!

I think Fenn has inherited my appreciation for a good view :)

The Holy Tree! (spelling intentional)

I found a high, rotting, leaning pole, so naturally decided to climb it!

On the way down this bit of metal fell off... I told you it was falling apart!
Hi from Nick and Me!

WOW. I've called this place Astelia Fields. Can you guess why?!
(bloody awesome photo Nick!)

Fenn enjoyed running about at Astelia Fields!

Walking home it got pretty dark. More Astelia - this time in a Rimu tree

This is a GPS track from Nick's Iphone - it doesn't go quite to the top cause we forgot to start it, and the straight line is where we turned it on and off again on the way up - so it filled in the gap with a line...
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We'd worked up quiet an appetite so had a 3 course meal of Turkish goodness... YUM

fantastic action fotos luv :)