As someone very wise just reminded me, change is the only constant in the universe. It reminded me of a recent change I made - yet again I decided it was time to change my tank, basically because I missed my cichlids too much!
Here is the new tank:
back to the good old
Lake Tanganyikan setup with my lovely bits of limestone!!

My plan is to get heaps of
Anubias growing all over the rocks, it'll take a wee while but I'll get there!
(I found a pair which were obviously paired in a fish shop, so very hopeful that I'll get them to breed this time, and soon too!)

Neolamprologus pulcher. I've got 6 youngans, but they grow fast and will be reproducing faster than rabbits within 3 or 4 months I'm sure :D

Here are some pics of the ones I had a few years ago

This time I'm going to get round to breeding the Julies, and taking some
better photos :P
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