Driving my car...
We went out on Friday night to S&M's, it was a nice relaxed evening though cause I was working heaps the next day...
We had the goodness that comes from Satay Noodle House (and had a look at the fish)...
Si and I also went to see Rock n Rolla, which I liked a lot, pleasing to the eye and funny too!
Thanks Ritchie for taking some of those AWESOME pics ;) - see now you can't sue me!
So yeah, was a nice time, but back to reality now...
Oh, and yesterday I also played the Boxing game on my Wii for 35 mins as a bit of a workout. It was really intense and now I'm REALLY sore! I'm going to start doing it daily, but I'll have a day off today I think... And maybe work into it slowly!
Also I've decided I don't like being on my own, so I'm contemplating an nzdating profile... oh dear!
mm gay boy in rockNroller.. mmm... :)
nice balls tommy!
yeah my balls are hot, especially when I break out the POWER SHOTS!!!