Wednesday, 6 August 2008

Trip to Mana Island

Yesterday we went on a field trip (with over night stay - woop) to Mana Island. Mana is totally rodent and pest (animal) free. Rats have never even made it there and it's a pretty special place. Best known for loads of species of reptiles, Giant Weta and the Takahe, Mana also has several sea bird species nesting on it (ie Petrels etc) and are aiming to restore the ecosystem by restoring the natural nutrient cycles which the seabirds create (ie bird shit)

To get to Mana its a half hour boat trip, we saw a seal but no pics sorry, it only looked like a log in the water anyway!

The Shore Plover's welcome you to Mana, there are only around 200 left on the planet and 17 of them live here, very cool :) This one is either a female or a youngan... the guys have red bills

Just after we arrived, a helicopter dropped off a new water tank and quad bike, and took away the old one - apparently it's destined for the institution that is Trade Me
You can't go to Mana Island without seeing, and of course taking millions of photos of, the Takahe. 20% of the worlds population now live on Mana (less one, cough cough) and they are pretty much everywhere you go. Their shit, however, IS everywhere you go!

This is a bit of a before and after shot, the new wetland looks pretty, but according to Murray he would have done it differently! (if you are interested one big lagoon would suite the teal better)
(for a reference point look for the roofs of the 2 houses to the left of the first pic)

If you want cute, there is no way you can go past the Brown Teal, they are SOOO CUTE!!!
Ok I'm done, but they are pretty cute... you have to admit it!
The male is slightly darker, more handsome and has the duck version of dimples (so I'm told) - white thighs. Males are SO much cooler than females, and I can say that cause it's my blog :)

Mmmm that Peanut Slab was good, thanks Sascha ;)

Yellow-crowned Parakeet's (Kakariki) loved the flaxes up on top of the island, this one struck two poses for me, very Zoolander.

Geckos shed their skins all at once, we found lots of these!

Common geckos are pretty, well, common on Mana Island! We probably saw well over 200 over the day! We even found some gecko on gecko action, although unfortunately the action Sascha and Amelia found was actually cannibalism... not so hot but equally interesting! Here is what was left once we'd scared off Hanibal:

Very Dinosaur-like pose!

Talking about Dinosaurs, the Giant Weta were pretty cool - and giant too!

This one is a female - you can see her ovipositer on her tail which she uses to lay her eggs

A few Views from the top of the island - above the South Coast of Welly, below the Marlborough Sounds
Once it was dark we went back up the hill to see the Diving Petrels. The second pic is me holding one, and in the video you can hear them calling back to us from their burrow - the male has the constant call and his fish-wife sounds a bit like Anne from Little Briton (Ehh ehh ehhhhhhh)

There was even a great sunrise this morning as our boat launched into the water, what an awesome 24 hours!

1 comment:

  1. i think some of your loveliest photos yet! scary weta!
    pan lab guy is doin hobbit, just saw it in time out, so thats very good news..
