Thursday, 6 March 2008

A night at the Opera...

Well last night I became a real gentlemen by going to the opera, in a suit... by myself!
I went to see a really odd but REALLY great opera called The Trail Of The Cannibal Dog, which is an adaptation of the famous book by Anne Salmond.

It's about Cook's second trip to NZ when some of the Maori ate some of his crew. Cook wouldn't let them retaliate, so they caught one of the Maori's dogs (Kuri) and gave it a mock trial and ate it! It also covers events up to Cooks death.
This is a true story, but of course in the opera some artistic licence was used... which was, well hard to describe really - I guess you could say abstract!

Loved it, and big ups to Hadleigh who had a really big part - very impressed!! :D


  1. I came, I saw, I commented.

    Sounds like a very cool play - hope you had fun mister. Nothing here about Opera, tho, I note!!


  2. ??!
    But the title is "A night at the opera" and I say:
    "... REALLY great opera called ..."
    so that is the opera danny!
    Do I need to get you some glasses??!

  3. I was being metaphorical :D

    Actually no. I wrote it when I was also writing a report, and so my attention was somewhat divided.

    My bad.

  4. Haha thants ok! :P
    Was good to see you yesterday too, hopefully it will be for longer next time :)
