The clouds were looking cool as I took my samples today, so I made a time lapse video of them
For some reason youtube made this video quite jerky... if you want to see the full video which is smoother and has more pixels view it here!
A pukeko's nest (it must be said it's hard to take a good photo of it... sorry!)
Well I've added a few more fish, and the plants are growing well, so I thought a video was the bast way to show you how my tank is looking now...
The fish I've added are 9 Black Phantom Tetras and 8 Cardinal Tetras
This is a few days of growth now, the Indian Stargrass at back of the tank should reach the surface in less than a month which will make the whole thing look more complete...I've also added the first of the fish; 4 Otocinclus. These little dudes don't look that amazing, or move about much during the day, but have an important job of keeping the algae in check without damaging the plants. They also stay nice and small (<4cm)>
I also added a Royal Whiptail Catfish, who is quite pretty!
Keep an eye out for updates!