Saturday, 25 July 2009

Spring is on it's way!

What a lovely day at work!


With the daff's flowering (even if they're grown in a glasshouse unnaturally) it's still hard not to think that spring must only be around the corner!

Sunday, 19 July 2009

funny ad

I was round at Mike's earlier tonight, and was showing him the advert for 2 Degrees (for those who aren't in NZ it's our latest mobile network) Very funny Ad. And Ej's boyfriend was part of the team that made it!

Anyway, after I showed him we were looking up others and found this, which I think is truly amazing!!

Thursday, 16 July 2009

boys visit

Well, it's been an interesting week: I found out the guy driving the car is going to get prosecuted (yay), I got my cast off (YAY!) and the boys came to stay for a few days too :)
Having them over was a bit tiring cause I've been on the go all day, which I haven't done much for the last few weeks. But they were very helpful and made it easy... I can see why child slave labour seemed so appealing... back then I mean... not now... well, perhaps...

So Michael and Gabriel arrived on Tuesday morning. We had lots to do, and of course lots of Wii in between doing the lots of things...

Trip to the Zoo went well, they look so grown up now!! :S

Fact for the day: Giraffe's require the least sleep of any mammal - only 1 to 2 hours per day! (Or is that per night... hmm, well you get the idea)

I love Meerkats, they are just the epitome of coolness

We also went to see the obligatory 3D movie, this time it was the new Ice Age one, pretty cool. EJ came along too cause she is always up for a kids movie, and ALWAYS up for a Wendy's shake, what a fatty! (only joking EJ I love you)

We also did some exercise - walking up Mt Climie just behind where I used to live past Upper Hutt. It's a good hour and a half up, and the same down, although I was taking it real easy for my knee's sake! I'm happy to report it went well though, and I'm in no pain at all, horay!

You can see it on this map - walked from The Plateau to 'A'

The dogs came along too, and were very useful at providing a little help up the hill

You walk up through Manuka scrub, regenerating bush and up into sub alpine forest - complete with cloud/mist!

Unfortunately my camera then ran out of batteries, so I had to start using my cellphone :P

The clouds cleared for us at the top - we'd walked up from the level of those fields down below

One last pic with the real camera after warming the batteries in my hand!

And the dogs in the boot on the way home, they loved it :)

K, now I'm tired!

Friday, 10 July 2009

I've had babies!!!

I'm a dad!
My Julies have bred for the first time, wohoo :D

I've counted about 10, and they'll be easier to photograph in a few days once they start swimming about. At the moment they're still clinging tight to the rock and aren't very social.

At least something good has happened this week!

Monday, 6 July 2009

my bikes 'new look'

So here it is - sorry about the bad photo quality, holding the camera still seems to be beyond my hand :P

It's hard to see from the pics but the front forks and wheel have been pushed back into the body of the bike :S

And the most exciting part - it seems my crotch has some how made a massive dent in the fuel tank!!! I have no idea how it happened but I think it's pretty cool :P

Needless to say they bike will be a total write-off... I'll have to get one with a bigger engine next ;)

Thursday, 2 July 2009

Bike crash

Firstly - I'm ok, just don't remember what happened really...
I woke up in hospital last night and had this note on my lap... I've since found out that I was of course in a crash. Not my fault at all according to a witness - I'll get to that another time.
I also found out that my flattie Christine is an absolute angel and put up with me asking the same questions over and over every 2 minutes for 4 hours last night... I was severely concussed!
Hand sore from typing so will leave it there, hopefully going home in the morning :)
THANK YOU everyone who came to visit today and brought me nice things to eat, read and clean myself with!!