Sunday, 22 March 2009

House Of The Dead OVERKILL

This is the latest game I've bought for my Wii...

Along with working and going through my samples in the lab, I haven't had much time to do much else - but I have found time to play this game - because it's F*%king AWESOME!!!

This game is a taken from the classic House of the Dead arcade game. It's full of more zombies than you can shake a stick at and more swear words than you can shake a tree at. Your game is narrated by a cheesy american voice who gets more and more excited as you dispatch the various zombies without missing any shots, and you can also shoot health and over power-ups, one good one even slows the game speed for 20ish second to give you time to aim for a clean head shot or two!

To let you see just how awesome this game is, I've put together a wee video for you of some of the scenes and game play.

WARNING - this game is R16 rated, therefore this video is too!!

Thursday, 12 March 2009

Youtube snippets

I just got off the phone with Ben, and after having a quick look at a few clips he told me about decided I needed to share them!

First, this is how you SHOULDN'T act when you miss you plane, I mean, honestly!

And this one shows how NOT to get laid - I mean I think if someone tried it on with me by singing this song (and in that voice) I would probably have to shoot them. This would put them (and everyone else) out of their misery!

"Rape me in my thighs"!

Lab work again...

Well i'm back in the lab, and this is about half of the samples I've got to go through.. It's going to take about 40 hours i think - I'd better get on with it!

Friday, 6 March 2009


I consider myself to be quite unsqueamish when it comes to lots of things.
Sure, when I'm not feeling up to it Nip Tuck can be a bit gross, and MASSIVE spiders can be too much sometimes. But there are few things in the natural world that make my blood curdle.

Some of you will know that one of these things (or some of them I guess), are primates.
Not all primates mind - lemurs are cool, gorillas are pretty neat and tamarins are pretty cute. But the average Joe Blogs monkey, or even worse chimpanzee, really grosses me out.
I think it's the whole 'looks like a small hairy person' thing that does it - can you blame me?! its just WRONG!

Here is a perfect example of this, which came from an email my flattie sent me a few days ago, which supposedly contained cute baby animal photos - they obviously didn't realise this 'baby' is actually the spawn of Satan...

SEE??! Forget about bestiality - that should be illegal!
(Actually don't forget about bestiality, that should of course remain illegal...)

So why am I writing a blog post about things which gross me out? Well it's because after snorkeling with a friend on the South Coast the other day, we saw something which grossed me out as much as a monkey!

Have you seen deformed animals before? It must be said they also weird me out... lots...

They raise so many questions; was it born like that? Did it have an unfortunate accident with a rubber band, plastic bag or shopping trolley? Did it's mother consume too many e-numbers? Will it procreate and raise an army of deformed animals with the ability to talk and conquer the world?!

So many questions... and how will we find out the answers? Well of course we can't, because they can't talk... YET! queue music from Psycho

Well here are the photos anyway, I'll let you decide for yourself. This seagull had no beak which I think its weird, especially when it opens its 'mouth' to eat chips or 'talk'...

BTW it's tongue was still the normal length and stuck right out of it's 'mouth' when it squawked

Kill it now! Before it's too late!!!!

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Home at last :)

It' so nice to be home!
Thanks again to Danny and Bruno for looking after me, but I have to say it's just so good to be back in my own bed, I love it so much! :D
And I missed wee Fenn too...

Here are a few more pics from the last week...

Lots of Black Swans a pukepuke (thesis site):

Even though I was a long way away they didn't want to hang around and flew off once they realised I was watching...

Three in mid-flight at dusk

I found a frog or two

I also found a very cool Hawk Moth Caterpillar
The roof of my car is so shiny! (Although the wheel arches are caked in cow crap)

Trip home - sunset over the Marlbrough Sounds from Kapiti

The island with the moon above

Well that's enough for now. I need to get some (paid) work done, go through my gazillions of samples in the lab, and get some new car speakers... I blew up my old ones listening to The Presets too loud... ops...

Monday, 2 March 2009

cp trip

For those who aren't in the know, cp's are carnivorous plants. Yesterday I went for a walk to a site where native cps can be found. Thanks to Andrew for being out guide and Peter for driving!

The track was about an hour each way, through really nice bush, and we saw heaps of cool stuff along the way. First off there was LOADS of Parataniwha (Elatostema rugosum). This plant was everywhere along the banks of the streams, and was nice to see as we don't get it in Wellington. It's got great colour in the leaves.

There seemed to be lots of bird food around (here coprosma berries) but surprisingly few birds - I guess that's what happens when there isn't any pest control :(

One of the few birds we saw was a Green Finch - nice to see as they're very rare back in the UK where they are from.

One of the highlights was definitely finding several Powelliphanta snails. They are endemic, carnivorous and pretty rare too. I've only seen one shell before; on this trip we found about 5 shells and even one live one!

And here is what we went for: Drosera binata (I think). they absorb insects that get stuck on their 'leaves' and are a very cool red colour.

It was a great walk, and we managed to avoid the worst of the rain too which was good!

Once we got back to Palmy I had a quick look at some of Andrew's other cp's, very cool plants it must be said!