Friday, 26 December 2008

Christmas day...

I had a great day with my Flatties and their families.
Nick's mum and I drinking some very nice Rosé

Everyone around the table...

We also had a trail run of Chris and Nick's wedding cake, and they had a trail run of cutting it!

Tui in Chris' parents garden

Chris and Nick also gave me my FAVOURITE present - this cool book about New Zealand natural history called "NZ's Wilderness Heritage"

They said they would like to look at it too... I'm sure I'll allow them the odd peak, if I'm not looking at it!

Tuesday, 23 December 2008

A nice day for lunch with Ritchie

Where you ask?
Why of course it'd be at the centre of our fair nation - at Parliament

Friday, 19 December 2008

The Feeling

The Feeling are an awesome band from the UK, thanks Si for sharing them with me!
This song has great lyrics, TAKE NOTE!

The lead singer is gay too, which is cool...

Thursday, 18 December 2008

Moving to The Far Side of reality

Well in true psycho Gary Larson style (he is insane you know) I made myself an NZdating profile... So far I've got about 65 messages in about 6 hours! Most are, of course, from total freaks. But hopefully not all... We'll see ;)

Tuesday, 16 December 2008

Out and about in Wellington

Si was down for the weekend, so we did lots of cool stuff, including:
Driving my car...

Playing lots of pool with Ritchie and some very nice lesbians...

We went out on Friday night to S&M's, it was a nice relaxed evening though cause I was working heaps the next day...

We had the goodness that comes from Satay Noodle House (and had a look at the fish)...

And Si helped me out with my website, so now it's the same layout as my blog... Its a good place to download free stuff! (If I'm feeling nice that is...)

Si and I also went to see Rock n Rolla, which I liked a lot, pleasing to the eye and funny too!

Thanks Ritchie for taking some of those AWESOME pics ;) - see now you can't sue me!

So yeah, was a nice time, but back to reality now...

Oh, and yesterday I also played the Boxing game on my Wii for 35 mins as a bit of a workout. It was really intense and now I'm REALLY sore! I'm going to start doing it daily, but I'll have a day off today I think... And maybe work into it slowly!

Also I've decided I don't like being on my own, so I'm contemplating an nzdating profile... oh dear!

Monday, 15 December 2008

Jury Duty

Last week I had my first ever jury duty experience...

To get onto the jury you have to get through 2 stages of ballots, and then not be challenged by either sides lawyer (if they think you'll be bias against them they won't let you be in the jury).
This is what the case was about:

So I made it onto the jury, and the 12 of us spent the week listening to evidence about the two charges. We spent HEAPS of time waiting in our jury deliberation room, as it turns out that anything thing takes ages in court, even just getting everyone in their right positions so we can enter the room!

The accused was blatantly guilty, but unfortunately we could not find him guilty. This is because 1 person within the jury was adamant that he wasn't guilty. This lead to a very unsatisfying 'Hung Jury' where we couldn't get a verdict and so we were released by the judge, and the trail has to start again with a fresh jury. In NZ a jury must be unanamous, and without that no verdict can be given.

The whole thing is really frustrating cause I know he is guilty as sin, but he's got another chance to get off, and in the mean while he's out there in the community...

All I can say is NEVER under any circumstance let your children go to public toilets on their own. NEVER

Even after my less than satisfying week, I'd still recommend anyone who has the opportunity to do jury duty to do it at least once... I think it was an interesting experience to add to my life, and I met some cool people who were on the jury with me too :)

Monday, 1 December 2008

Greedy Tui's

I went to the Sanctuary again today with Matt (And he joined too which was good)
The Tui's were all over the flax, and lots of them had yellow pollen on their foreheads which was pretty cool :)

They were also posing lots

I love summer :)